
Showing posts from 2020

Braces and Bands

Tooth Fairy Revealed

Abscess and Two Teeth Extractions

We Survived Distance Learning


Rubber Ball... Rubber... Glue

Mother's Day 2020

Not Enough Time to Work Email

Riley Turns 13: Our Quaran'teen' during Quarantine!

Jogging with Riley

Spider in the Bedroom

States Fair Project

If You Don't Have a Pool, Get Creative

Small things are the Wins

No Schedule

Today ends in -Y

Mamaw is going on a long trip

Online School for the Remainder of the Year

Zoom Meetings with Julia's Third Grade Class

The Thing I Didn't Know We Needed

Ups and Downs

It Was a Hard Day of Online Learning


Another Groundhog Day

Wearing Masks in the Grocery Store

What day is it?

April Fool's Day: Quarantine Style

Creatively Learning

No More Zoom Meetings Please

COVID-19 Day 4 - TGIF!!!

COVID-19 Day 3 Online Learning and Teaching (and Jeremy's birthday!!)

COVID-19 Day 2 Online Learning and Teaching

Julia turns 10!!

COVID-19 First Day of Online Learning (Riley and Julia)

COVID-19: First Day of Online Teaching (Jess)

COVID-19 Day 11