It Was a Hard Day of Online Learning

Julia woke up not wanting anything to do with online learning.  Or online school.  Or anything having to do with school at all.  She was really sad.  Ended up in tears and frustration.  There wasn't much I could do except tell her that it was okay to be sad and to be angry and frustrated.  Thankfully my day was already planned and lessons had been posted with assignments, videos, and all the necessary things needed for my students because my attention needed to be at home with the girls for most of the day.  I chose to forego school work for Julia for the morning and wait to tackle it after lunch time.  Riley did some work, but wasn't highly motivated either.

I knew the girls both needed to get out of the house and we had a break between Zoom calls in late morning.  We got out the bikes - despite Julia not wanting anything to do with it - and began our ride on the trail.  Julia complained pretty much the entire way and her knees were sore from her fall the other day, but I knew she'd be fine and could handle it.  She was just venting frustration and needed to be allowed to do it.  Riley continued on the ride further than us and was bummed to not have us go further with her, but it was also great for her to go on her own and not be held back by us.  Julia and I rode almost 2.5 miles and by the end of it her mood had improved.  She was telling me stories and smiling and more like herself.

When we got home we played Juliaball upstairs for a short while (until Riley hit the ball away - Julia kicked her - Riley pulled her arm - Julia got mad).  So I called quits on the game and talked to them both about choices and how things escalate as each of them makes the choice each time.  Thankfully it was lunch time and food helped.  It always does.

After lunch Julia and I worked on her math.  Once she got going she was good to go on all of her work.  She just needed to start and it was great to see her be able to work through her emotions.  Not that she has to be happy all the time, but it's good for her to see that things can turn around and that we can make choices to help ourselves emotionally and mentally - even when we don't want to do those things.

The rest of the day was normal - had a work Zoom meeting about assessment, spent time grading student work, and had dinner with the family.  It was a hard day but that's okay.  I was happy to be with the girls and make it the best day it could be.


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