
Earlier today Julia was talking about what came after trillion:  quillion.  I couldn't remember what came after trillion so it sounded about right and I just agreed.  She said it was because it sounded like trillion, but you just sound out a 'q.'

Tonight the girls were talking about how they spoke in granny voices on the back patio with my mom.  It was so cute when they did this.  They'd each sit in a patio chair and talk about random things while using granny voices and tossing a large ball to each other.  Since the girls were talking in voices for a bit tonight, Julia used her granny voice and said, "Grandma's a quillion years old."

Jeremy and Riley looked at her.  Then Jeremy said, "What's quillion?"  So I explained that it came after trillion.  Jeremy laughed and said, "You mean quadrillion?"  Julia was a little embarrassed about having said it wrong and asked me not to write it down, but I let her know that many years from now she might be glad we wrote this sweet innocent story down.


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