Online School for the Remainder of the Year

We received the news yesterday that we will be doing online learning for the remainder of the year and that we will not be going back to our school building.  I feel like so much has been left unfinished.  No real closure.  I felt like this was coming, but it was unreal to actually hear it said.  Governor Abbott has closed all schools in the state of Texas for the remainder of the school year.  We will continue to teach online and I'm thankful for that.  While it's been a real shift figuring out how to teach in this new way, I also feel like I'm learning a lot of new things I wouldn't have had the time to teach otherwise.

The girls are missing friends and are somewhat settled into a routine of sorts.  Honestly more like no routine at all.  The constants are that we are going to bed at odd hours and waking up later than we ever would have (this morning Julia was up at 9:30am, Jeremy was up at 10:15am, I woke up at 11am and Riley woke up at almost noon).  It is a Saturday so we could do that, but it's not what we'd typically do.

We've been watching two episodes of The Office every night and doing a March Madness bracket.  We choose which episode should continue on in the brackets each night.  That's been something fun to look forward to each day.

I've also been able to make time to go outside and run daily.  Loving that.  The weather has been beautiful with a few days of colder temps.  Nothing like MI though - they actually got snow yesterday and today.  Crazy!

My parents Facetimed us today and tried this funny thing my mom saw a video of.  They were pretending that my dad had gained tons of weight and my mom went behind his chair where he was sitting and put her arms through his pullover.  It was hilarious to see them try to make this work to convince Julia.  Julia just went, "Is that Grandma?  Hi Grandma!"  My mom peeked out from behind him and laughed.  Their iPad then was moved a little lower so you could see my dad's t-shirt and his pullover just kind of draped on his shoulders.  Made it look even funnier.  We talked with them for a while - the girls both played their piano pieces for my parents and my mom played a piece for them.  Grandpa played Heart and Soul (Grandma didn't even know he knew how to do that!) and then turned around to play the piano with his butt.  Was hilarious.  The girls are hoping they'll come over to Texas when the concern about the virus has gone away.  That'd definitely be great!


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