Spider in the Bedroom

Julia and I left this morning to drop off cookies and a note to one of my advisory students.  Not long after we left we got a text from Riley about a spider in her room.  Julia was the one texting her back since I was driving.  Here is the exchange:

R:  Help
R: Omg r y'all home        (um...no we had told you we were leaving and said goodbye)
R: There's a spider in my room
R: It's behind my bed
R: Omg I'm so scared

J:  Take a book that you don't care about and hit it
J:  If it comes out of your bed then do that but otherwise leave it

R:  Nope
R:  I'm in the kitchen now
R:  I'm not going back there

J:  Cool lol Mom will get it when we get home

R:  Wth Jules!
R:  *what the heck

J:  Mom said to check the garage to make sure the door is down

R:  Ok
R:  Yup

J:  And watch YouTube until we get home
J:  Mom said you could do yoga

R:  I can't.  It's in my room

J:  Ok watch it on the tv or mom said you can use her iPad

R:  I have to go to the house meeting

J:  Mom said skip that if you are scared

R:  I'm not scared of the Zoom.  I'm scared of the spider.

J:  I know.  If your iPad is in your room with the spider or Han skip it

R:  No I brought my stuff out here.
R:  When will y'all be back

J:  Most likely 10:40.  Mom wants to know if the spider is big or small

R:  Big
R:  Way too big
R:  It's like a  quarter of the size of my hand
R:  At least

J:  Ewww

R:  Yeah
R:  My anxiety went up a lot when I saw it.  gtg

J:  Ok bye

R:  Nvm
R:  I'm not doing it
R:  I had to leave the house Zoom because people are working on the road
R:  Nvm it's trash.  Not work

J:  Stay close to the neighbors

R:  Why

*** Julia thought she meant Riley was leaving the actual house so she was telling her to stay by the neighbors' house.  Instead of leaving the house Zoom meeting ***


J:  (Mom)  On our way home
J:  (Mom)  Be there about 11:15

R:  Ok thank you
R:  Because I can't work until I know it's not in my room

J:  (Julia)  We told them about the spider.  They said it's a wolf spider and they carry their babies on their back so when you kill it there's a lot of babies it's not harmful thankfully but we will help kill it

R:  Ok who said

J:  Mrs. Barnes

R: Ok


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