The Thing I Didn't Know We Needed

Today we all slept in.  I was the first up at 7:30am.  Jeremy at 8:30am.  Julia at 9:00am.  Riley won the award for the latest wake-up at 1:00pm.  Jeremy had to stir her to wake her up.

Then we literally spent the day on the couch binge watching tv.  I didn't know this was exactly what was needed until after Jeremy shared it was almost 5pm at which time I went for a run, walked the dog, showered, ate dinner, and then returned to binge watch some more of tv.

It's not the most amazing show - in fact it's not the most wholesome clean show ever at all - but Jeremy and I definitely could relate to all the things the couples on the show shared about their first experiences meeting each other and then building a relationship in person afterwards.  The show is called Love is Blind.  People are set up in pods where they talk through a wall and form a connection with someone else without seeing them first.  Totally rooting some of the couples which is so fun - literally happy!


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