April Fool's Day: Quarantine Style

Riley was on a 'roll' this morning with all of her April Fool's Day jokes and pranks.  She told me that our toilet was smoking, which I semi-believed because we've had all sorts of plumbing issues in our home over the years.  I just replied with something about if she was for real and she was giggly, but believable.  I went into the hallway to find that our toilet had two rolls of toilet paper on it to look like eyes and an empty toilet paper tube coming out of the closed lid.  We had a good laugh about it.

Today went pretty smoothly.  I tried out a new idea in my Zoom meetings and it worked well.  Phew - so glad!  Both girls had a pretty easy day of learning and work.  They've been so amazing with all of this.  No complaining and making the best of it.

Yesterday Julia and I were walking Val.  I had Val and she was doing these soccer moves on the sidewalk.  Unfortunately she missed the edge and ended up sliding her right knee against the curb, but bounced right up.  Unfortunately she kept doing soccer moves and did it again, but this time she somehow slid her left knee into the concrete.  Her left knee was completely cut up and her right knee had a small cut with a big bruise.  We cleaned her up when we got home and put very large bandaids on her knees.  When she woke up this morning she wasn't wanting to do a lot of walking because her knees were stiff from sleeping.  She told me she didn't want to do her PE workouts, but by the end of the day she was feeling better and ready to move a bit.

Julia has this balloon cluster from the Daddy-Daughter dance back in February (looks like a cluster of berries or grapes, but in pinks and golds).  She didn't want to play soccer today upstairs, but we thought about how we could play with the balloon.  So we went upstairs, turned on some music, and hit the ball back and forth.  We created "Juliaball"  (pronounced Who-lee-a ball).  You hit the balloons back and forth, but if it hits the ground you are allowed to kick it and if it goes back in the air then you start to use your hands again.  It was fun!

Riley's spending time with her small group from church which is great!  So thankful it's Wednesday and that we're getting in a groove with this online school stuff.  At least for the most part.


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