Riley Turns 13: Our Quaran'teen' during Quarantine!

It's so exciting to see Riley become a teenager.  She's been really excited about this milestone for a while.  She hoped that others would think of her on her birthday and one of the mom's reached out to ask me if the girls from school could do a drive-by parade to celebrate her.  Of course!  It was incredibly special.

At 1:00pm, a line of cars with decorations, signs, silly string, and lots of honking vehicles passed by our house (twice around the block).  Several of the families had even gotten her gifts and handed her bags with special thoughtful items for her.  Blew my mind how incredibly thoughtful they were.  Riley was overjoyed!  It truly made her day.

Her friend Lauren Thompson wasn't able to come in the car line, but they wanted to stop by to say hello and brought a gorgeous Nothing Bundt Cake with a sweet message on the card.  Riley was so amazed and grateful.

Julia had wanted to get Riley some AirPods for a while and shared with me that this was the gift she wanted to get Riley.  Jeremy also had the same idea and ordered them for her.  It was supposed to be a fun surprise, but Riley asked me if she would be getting the AirPods and I am truly terrible at lying so she figured out that she was getting them.  She knew she'd be getting a remote for games on the tv just like Julia had.  And then while we were at Target with my mom, she and I snuck away for a short time so that I could buy her the AirPods case she had been wanting.

In addition to these gifts she was needing a new bathing suit and Aerie had a sale so we were able to get her several items.  Took about three weeks for them to come in, but totally worth it.  Riley received the remainder of the items today and was so excited.  I think she enjoyed picking them out and anticipating that they were coming.

My parents came to our home for a week to celebrate my mom's and Riley's birthdays so it was such a special treat to have them.  They got her an Echo which she has loved!  More important they spent the whole week with us and it was really wonderful.  The girls loved their time with them and every day this week Julia has shared how much she misses them.

For her birthday I told Riley she could choose what dessert she wanted to have made for her.  Riley asked for a cheesecake and I did my best to make it, but the water got into the pan so the crust was truly awful.  The cheesecake part of it was delicious... I need to watch a video on how to get the tinfoil to cover the pan better so the water doesn't leak in.  But I tried!  Thankfully we had leftover cake from my mom's birthday the night before and the bundt cake that Lauren had brought to her.


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