What Day Is It?

Friday morning I got up a little later than normal.  Had my hair appointment Thursday night and didn't need to wash my hair.  Got up, shut off the alarm and walked into our room as I was sleeping in Julia's room.  Jeremy was still sound asleep - snoring.

I said "Hey Jeremy.  You will want to get up.  It's 6:20."

He replied quite angrily (totally out of the norm) "Do you KNOW what day it is?"

I said very calmly "Yes, it's Friday."

He says "No it's not.  It's Saturday."

"It has to be Friday.  I had piano students yesterday and they come on Thursday nights so it's Friday today."

He groans and says "That's the most depressing news I've heard all week!"

When we talk later in the afternoon, he has no recollection of this conversation.  We both have a good laugh thinking about it as his normal response would be to groan and say thanks for waking him up.  He's had a tough week the last week with new clients and crazy stuff going on with accounts.


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