COVID-19 Day 2

Friday, March 13

Yes, Friday the 13th.  And a full moon this week.  And now a virus spreading all over the world.  Soon it would be labeled a pandemic.  Though I believe this didn't occur until the weekend.

I woke up to Julia walking into the bedroom with five slips of paper in her hand.  She always has a plan!  She let me know that there were ideas of things we could on the papers and I was allowed to choose to say yes or no to each of them.  The first paper simply said for me to check 'Yes' or put an 'X' for no on the other papers.  The other four listed ideas:

1. Breakfast in Bed - both of us
2. Lego Challenge
3. Movie Day
4. Game Day

Since it was officially a day off of school and nothing pressing me for time, I said yes to all of them.  We made our breakfasts and then carried everything on our baking sheets into Julia's room.  We watched one episode of the new series Just Add Magic - Mystery City.  It was so good.

We played two games: Sorry and Parcheesi.  I ended up winning Sorry and Julia won Parcheesi.  Lately if she loses a game she says the word "RAGE" and is hilariously angry.  Or if we're playing the game Phase Ten she writes the word 'RAGE' and then makes marks on the paper.  She does it playfully, but it has helped to get out some frustration for her.

We ended up going next door to watch Heidi (our neighbors' adorable little girl) while they had to go out to an appointment.  She was napping, but we got to stay and play with her for a little while.

Then we did a Lego Challenge upstairs.  We each built a house with rooms inside.  My house was all white legos and lots of windows.  Going for the modern look.  Julia did a lot of work making the inside of my house look better.  She had tons of color and lots of space her design.  Very creative!

We decided to watch a tv show instead of a movie so we watched something??  Not sure if it was Lost in Space with Riley and Jeremy, but I'm pretty sure that's what it was.  Overall a fantastic day!


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