COVID-19 Day 3 and 4

Saturday and Sunday, March 14 and 15

Jeremy was off of work which was so great.  He's been working like crazy since his office moved locations.  Lots of extra time on the job so it was nice to have no expectations and to just be able to be home.

Everyone in the nation has been hoarding toilet paper and paper towel.  It's been insane.  We have one large container of it which should last us about 2 weeks or so.  But some people have been buying cart full of the stuff.  Insane.  I ordered what I thought was toilet paper on Amazon only to find out I'd actually ordered Bounty paper towels.  Whoops.

We did end up going to Walmart to get some food for meals.  It wasn't packed, but the shelves of rice, bread, toilet paper, paper towels, and eggs were completely empty.  And the cereal - only a few kinds left, but mostly bare shelves.  Wild.

Over the weekend things began to become more clear that life was going to take a turn for simplicity for a while.  Honestly, this has been a welcome relief to the incessant unrelenting schedule we've been having the past month.  Yes, it will likely wear off in another day or so and then the long-term effects of being inside our home for weeks with each other will be felt.  But I'm enjoying being with my family and keeping things simple.  Very simple.

More information was coming in about Italy and how much the virus has spread.  Restrictions in the country continued to happen.  There were rumors continuing to come in that turned out to be true.  Quarantines within homes and cities.  Walmart stopped being open 24-hours throughout the USA and was now only open 6am to 11pm so they could clean and restock shelves.  Restaurants and bars are completely closed in many cities indefinitely (this starts in Dallas on Tuesday actually).  Some drive-thrus still open, but most businesses encouraged to work from home if possible.  Schools closing all over.  Multiple districts near us have postponed school into early April and some indefinitely.

Rather than being fearful I've felt a complete peace that God is in control.  That no matter where this leads, He will take care of us.  He is with us.  I was encouraged by a friend who shared that during a pandemic a while ago there were people who prayed Psalm 91 every day for 91 days.  I began reading it with Julia and plan to read it every night with her over the next three months.  As a simple way to pray for God's will and to speak words of encouragement of God's hand in our lives.  That we can trust Him.  And that He will take care of us.  I'd encourage you to read it as well and pray it if you feel led.


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