Bad Cold

 There's a cold going around and it puts your down for a little while.  Both Julia and I came down with it over the weekend after Thanksgiving.  Stayed home Monday and Tuesday (Julia stayed home on Wednesday as well).  We watched lots of tv and slept through a lot too.  Saw the movie Cruella.  I watched the new show Maid on Netflix.  Hung out together laying in my bed while sipping tea and eating lucky charms.

Val wanted the cereal so badly and kept barking at us.  We put him in the hallway and shut the door, but he kept scratching and making whimpering sounds.  Finally let him back in and he laid at the end of the bed.  Julia asked for her small bowl of the cereal and as I handed it to her, Val moved his eyes to the side.  Watching every movement.  Then Julia took a bite of the cereal and Val moved his head to look.  She stopped chewing and he faced front again.  More bites and more head movement from Val.  It was hilarious.

I went back to work today and while I was really tired it was a good day.  Sometimes it's easier to just go to work while feeling less than great compared to spending tons of time on sub plans.  It can just be easier to do it yourself.  While I was at work, Julia texted me.  She took some Dimetapp cold and cough last night to help her sleep better.  It definitely worked.  She wrote, "That was the best sleep I have ever had in my life."  


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