Fourth of July

We participated in the Sparkman neighborhood festivities for the first year since moving two summers ago.  It's such a special place to live and we love the community.  Each street decorates and builds a float for the 4th of July parade and has a street party at someone's home.  The kids fill up tons of water balloons and have a huge multi-street water balloon fight.  This was Riley's favorite event and she can't wait to do more in it next year.  She loved the planning, plotting and filling of the balloons.  Julia just wanted to hang out with me, but I think she'll get into it as she gets older.

On the 3rd, we went to the Garland's house down the street and met tons of neighbors.  Kids set off small fireworks while we watched and grilled out.  The float was "the Marquis of Marquis."  It was a castle made of cardboard boxed with Guy Mitchell as the Marquis on the trailer throne.

The morning of the 4th, we walked down to the clubhouse for the Kid's Parade.  Riley's friend Vivian had been asked to hold the banner at the front of the parade and she'd invited Riley to hold the other side.  They took two loops around and had a great time leading the bikes, scooters, strollers and kids around the block.

The next parade was the neighborhood float parade with a fire truck, old cars and various street floats.  Julia rode in the truck on one side of the castle and Riley was on the other side.  The girls threw candy to the other kids on the streets.  Jeremy and I walked down to the Neuschafer's home to chat with them through the parade before returning to the start to get the girls.  Regent street did an amazing Star Wars Theme with this massive Darth Vader head, storm trooper golf carts and music blaring.  It was awesome.  My other favorite was 'the world's smallest float' which consisted of this teeny cart being pulled.

It was really special to meet so many neighbors and spend time with new friends.  As I was leaving the party on the 3rd, I went to say goodbye to a lady I had met that night.  I tried to remember her name.

Me:  So nice meeting you!  Is it Nikki?
Her:  No - Linda.  Rebekah?
Me:  No - Jessica.

Then total laughter erupted.


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