Summer Trips Revisited

I asked the girls if there was anything I should blog about that was missed between the June post and their back-to-school post.  Julia mentioned our trips during July!

My mom flew down to stay with us for a bit and the four of us girls took a trip to San Antonio to stay at the Hyatt Resort.  It's a similar resort as Lost Pines (both owned by the Hyatt), but we all agreed that we prefer Lost Pines so much more.  On the way to the resort we stopped in downtown San Antonio to walk on the riverwalk and see the Alamo.  Julia had studied it this past year and really wanted to see it.  What she didn't want to do was walk in the brutal heat after a long car ride to see it.  It was really hot and the Alamo wasn't as fascinating as expected.  Julia said that now that she'd seen it once she didn't need to ever see it again.

At the Hyatt we spent most of our days swimming in the lazy river, eating good food from the restaurant or poolside, and lounging in the hotel.  There weren't any excursions and Covid meant they were short-staffed.  But it was fun!


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