High School and Middle School - Here They Come!

 Riley is now in her freshman year of high school and Julia started middle school.  They're both doing so well and adjusting to their new schedules and teachers.  Covid has continued to throw a wrench in things, but we're making the best of it and this year is looking like it might be the most normal we've had in a while.

Riley spent the summer at several rowing camps, Ursuline 101 camp, and took her Wellness Class for credit.  These were all great for her because she was able to meet other girls and some of the teachers, as well as become familiar with the layout of the school and where classes are located.  She was a little nervous that she'd go to the wrong class or get lost, but after her first day she seemed to adjust wonderfully.

Her favorite class is Physics and World History.  Likely because Mrs. Clark and Mr. Smith are her favorite teachers.  She loves the way they teach.  She's also been doing some really neat projects in Geometry.

This upcoming week she will have three days of tryouts for the rowing team and has been looking forward to it since school started.  I have no doubt she'll do great and that this will be a great adventure for her.

Julia hasn't been too thrilled about starting middle school.  She was a bit nervous that it'd be stressful like last year.  I honestly hadn't realized how much last year had stressed her out because she kept a lot of how she was feeling inside.  She was teary and nervous the first few days, but settled in last week.  She's loving having classes with the Primer girls each day and having the freedom of walking the halls without teachers.  Spanish is her favorite class and she loves how much she's learning each period.

As for me, this year has started out really great.  I'm teaching in my room again.  We are all having to wear masks as Covid-19 is continuing to be contagious and the Delta variant is highly contagious.  I'm grateful that we've been able to be in-person, singing with masks (yay!), and back in our own classrooms.

Jeremy is continuing to go to work in-person and life has pretty much stayed fairly like it was pre-Covid for him, which is great.


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