Julia scores!

 Julia has loved playing with the Texas Lonestars this year and is a strong defender.  She has grown in her confidence and her fearlessness on the field.  One of her strengths is that she has a great throw-in (and never lifts her foot off the ground so they're never penalized).  One of the things she wanted to do this season was score a goal.  Playing defense makes this difficult since the position doesn't lend itself to that role.

Jeremy was at her game while I was out of town on COE.  There was a penalty kick and Julia was chosen to kick the ball.  The idea was that she'd kick it as far as she could so that another team member could take it the remainder of the way.  The other team was lined up and Julia kicked.  The ball went over their heads and past the goalie - she scored!!!  Jeremy said it was amazing to watch.

Definitely a highlight of the season for her.


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