Mother's Day

Mother's Day this year was so simple and sweet and perfect.  Julia had the idea to serve me breakfast in bed.  She and Jeremy made it and brought it in.  Julia then snuggled next to me while I read a book and she watched a show on her iPad.  She asked if she could take a picture of us and got her Polaroid camera.  After the picture, I took a long nap and she went into the living room.

Jeremy gave me a very thoughtful card.  Julia created a hunt for me where I had to find several clues and the clues led me to her backpack.  In the backpack, was a card that she created all by herself.  It was addressed-   To Jessica Grant  From Julia Grant

There were stickers all over it.  Inside she had put the selfie of us in a frame and taped it to a piece of paper that said "I love you"  from Julia.  It was very thoughtful.

Later in the day, Riley brought me an oversized card.  On it, she had written "Top Secret" and put a stamp that spelled MOM at the top.  The card was sweet and when you opened it, there were lots of different phrases, acrostics, and different quotes.  She had written sweet things like "You are a great teacher," "I love your smile," and "I love you."  As I'm reading through the various things that she had written down, I saw the acrostic using the word 'Mother.'  I really liked the words she had used and asked if she had chosen them.

Riley then shares that she couldn't think of more to say so she'd gone on Pinterest and copied them.  Turns out that she had copied several of the phrases and quotes.  I loved that she thought to go on Pinterest for more ideas.  Also cracked me up at the same time.  It is actually a great idea!  And still has a great meaning as she chose the things that she wanted to really say.


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