Looking For Jesus

Since Riley and I are going to Boston for a week to visit Jon and Allison, Julia will be staying here with my mom and Jeremy.  She gets to stay the night at my mom's house tomorrow and my mom gets to have three days with Julia all to herself.  I know they will both have so much fun!  Julia couldn't wait to pack and get ready.  Riley said that she would like to spend some time with Jeremy before we go so she has had him the last few nights and I have gotten to put Julia to bed.

Each night Julia has said something about God.  It has been so adorable.  Tonight I asked if she wanted to pray or if she wanted me to pray.  She said that she wanted to pray, but that she didn't want me to hear.  She pulled the covers over head and held onto her teddy bear while she prayed out loud.  I wish I could remember what she prayed as it was so incredibly special.

I told her thank you for praying and she said "I didn't pray!  I told God a story!"  So I thanked her for telling him a story.  She said "He in my heart."  To which I agreed.  Then she lifted her shirt and said "I going to look for him!"  We talked about how you can't see Him, but you can feel Him and He makes us happy.

She looked but couldn't see him and then asked "Mom, can we get him out?"  I told her that he lives inside of us and the only way to get him out is to act like He does - kind, loving, patient.  Julia says "I do that!  I be very kind to my big sister!"


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