He lives where???!!

Tonight I was having coughing fits from allergies and needed to go get my inhaler so I could possibly start to breathe normally again.  Since I had Julia, she did not want to let me go and kept trying to hold me so that I wouldn't go.  Didn't make it easier to breathe for sure, but I tried to explain that she wasn't alone.

Me:  I'll be right back after my medicine.  You'll have teddy, your bear and your babies.  And God is here too.

Julia:  God is not here.

Me:  Yes.  He is inside of you.  He lives in your heart!

Julia:  Little Jesus??!!  (all excited and sitting up now while putting her hand where her heart is)  **I could totally picture her visualizing the illustration of little Jesus from her Bible inside of her head.**

Me:  Yes.

Julia:  Not Big Jesus?

Me:  Well, He lives there too.

Julia:  In my heart??

Me:  Yes.

Julia:  Little Jesus lives in my heart.  Does Big Jesus live in my pants?

Then she proceeds to laugh hysterically at how funny she thinks she is with that question.  Then asks more.

Julia:  Does Big Jesus live outside?

Me:  He lives all over.

Julia thought this was hilarious and was laughing full out and repeating things like "Big Jesus in my pants!  Big Jesus in my feet!"

At this point, there wasn't too much to say and I think we'll save the "God is omnipresent" talk for when she is a little older and can comprehend it a little more.  (Though it was a very cute talk)


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