Reviewing Resolutions

I always like to look at what I had hoped to accomplish in the past year and see what has actually occurred.  I realize that not everything I hope to do/be will happen in a year, but I love how setting goals can bring you further towards things you want to do and become.  So here goes:

My ten goals for this year:

1.  Make it a priority to spend 20 minutes in prayer by myself one night a week.

Did this fairly well for a while.  Even finding that much time one night a week was difficult.  Many nights this year, the girls were still awake at 9:30pm and I went to bed with them.  Or fell asleep with them :)
2.  Go on one date night each month with Jeremy.

For the most part, we did awesome at this as well!  The months of Sept, Oct and Nov we didn't have a date night.  But we had two date nights in December and finances were extremely tight so we cut back where we needed to and date nights were definitely hit by that.  
3.  Go on a vacation to Bermuda for seven days!  (cheating a little...)

Made this goal!!!  Best vacation ever.  Riley talks about it all the time still.  Almost didn't make it on the trip due to airplane issues, but thankfully, did.  Awesome experience!
4.  Learn another new skill...  no idea what this will be, but looking forward to whatever it is!

Not sure what skill I learned.  How to be less codependent and stand up for myself??  A little, yes. How to sew a huge playhouse covering complete with curtains and tunnel?  Yes, oh yes, did that.  How to use a midi keyboard and garage band to create tracks for my choir to perform with?  Yup.  
5.  Workout three days a week if even for just ten minutes to increase my energy.

Did really great working out in spurts depending on the time of year and schedule.  Love working out.  Very challenging, again, to find time with full time job, house, two part time jobs and three kids to juggle.  Did find time after dinner some nights to go running for 30 minutes or so.  Especially in the fall and know that I can do it again this year.
6.  Run a 5K race.

Planned and prepared for the 5K race.  Had worked up to running 3 miles again and was loving it.  But finances took priority so I didn't sign up for the race to save us $25.  Was totally bummed but knew it was the right thing to do.  My running went downhill (ha!) from there and I'm planning to attack this goal again next year!
7.  Find at least two positive things about my day before talking about anything negative that happened.

Sometimes...yes.  Most times... no.  Often I would share the negative and then positive.  Honestly didn't really pay attention to it and just tried to share with Jeremy what I could share and listen to him whenever we had time which was almost never this year.
8.  Pay off our loan from our a/c unit, duct work, and new fence. 

We are closer than we were.  But not as close as I would like to be.  Again, finances became very tight in the fall so we couldn't throw any extra money at the loan.  But we also didn't add much to it and the zero percent cards but we are steadily chipping away at them and that is a positive thing.
9.  Join or lead a women's bible study at church.

YES!!!  I did join a women's bible study at church and went to every single class except one (the night that I was teaching a seminar on children's music at a local daycare group).  Loved the class and meeting new women at church.  Loved growing in my faith and learning more and being challenged.  Of all the goals, this was a really important one to me and I'm so glad to say that I was able to do it!
10.  Spend less time cleaning and more time playing!

I worked really hard to play more often with my kids rather than cleaning up.  I still clean up all the time but I am getting better about putting away the broom or paper towel or laundry to just simply be with them.

Overall, not a thoroughly impressive amount of goals met.  Though I did attempt each and every one for longer than just January.  And I am excited to work towards hitting some of these goals and other ones next year.  Further than I would have been without them!


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