What I want when I'm six

Tonight at bedtime, Jeremy read a book "Max, My Best Friend" with Riley on the iPad.  Apparently she loved it!  He said she was just adorable.  And after they ended the book, she said:

"Oh Dad.  The only thing I want for my birthday when I am six is a dog.  Is my very own dog.  And Dad.  I just really want a dog!  A brown one with black.  I want four dogs.  They will be three girls and one boy.  No.  I only want one dog for my birthday.  The only thing I want is a dog.  I will take care of it and I will love it.  It will sleep beside me, it will cuddle with me because it will be cute and warm and it will cuddle with me.  I will have really good dreams tonight about my dog.  Oh.  I can already do it right now!"

Jeremy prayed and said in his prayers "And help Riley to have good dreams."

She interrupted and said "Oh I will Dad.  I will be dreaming about my dog."


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