Extreme Days Recap

Don't know that I can really put into words what it was like to watch my little girl worship God with all heart, put her hands together, bow her head and then pray that God would be her God!  She then raised her hand when asked if she had prayed the prayer of salvation - to which she raised her hand very high and kept it up even when they asked them to put it down.  So sweet to know that her heart is so open to Jesus.

Watching Riley worship and sing and do the motions while getting totally into the music was awesome!  She especially loved the song "Superhero" by Hillsong Kids Worship.  "Stronger than Superman, Faster than the Flash, Bigger than the Hulk Man, Jesus is a friend...."

The games outside were not such a big hit with her.  She wanted my sunglasses (has always hated light being in her eyes) and wore them when she could.  There were bad ant piles and kids were getting bit constantly so she wasn't too into being in the grass.  Can't blame her.  She did play "Red light, Green light" with me and we held hands while we followed commands.  And she laughed the entire game.  The last day they brought eight huge bounce houses and the kids had a total blast on them!  Riley managed to climb up a large one using a rope and blocks in the side.  I was so impressed by her determination to get up and then by her ability to do it.

Bible time was awesome.  She loved the stories and the drama and the people leading them.  But she was very sad when she was called on the stage to be part of Gideon's army.  Only to find out that God told them he needed a smaller army so she was almost immediately sent right back off the stage.

She made some cool crafts in art time.  Sculptures, God's Eyes, and a drawing of pop art using pictures of herself that were printed by the guy in charge.  Lots of fun!  She made some good friends and it was cute to see them all holding hands, smiling and laughing together.


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