Apple Pie

Last night my parents had Riley over for a sleepover.  Our girls love their time with them and they always do fun things - like watching the movie "Elf" and laughing at munchkins (as Riley calls the trolls) as they are farting or rolling in laughter at the long burp.  Or playing for an hour and a half with a plastic pizza cutter and fake pizza with Julia in their playroom.  The playroom being a spare bedroom with a walk-in closet that has an entire kitchen set for the girls to play in with fake food and a microwave that beeps and entertains.

This morning we got a call from Riley while she was riding in their car.

Riley:  Mom!  We're making an apple pie!!!

My mom explained that they were on their way to the store to get the ingredients for an apple pie recipe.  Riley had brought along her "Amelia Bedelia's Apple Pie" book to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  She got it at the book fair back in November and has wanted to make a pie using the recipe in the back of the book for months.

So they made the pie and Riley was so incredibly proud.  She called when it was done:

Riley:  Mom!  You HAVE to come over now.  Bring everyone that is in our house so they can eat our apple pie.  AHHHHH!!!!!

Me:  Well, Riley, Julia just went down for her nap.  Can we come after she wakes up?

Riley:  Oh yes, Mom!  We made apple pie!!!!

Julia woke up about an hour and a half later so I called as we were just leaving.

Me:  Hey Riley?  Would it be ok if we came over now so we could all share your pie?

Riley:  Oh yes, Mom!

Me:  Ok - we'll be there in about fifteen minutes.

Riley (very sad and dejected):  Ooohhhhhh.

Me:  You sound sad?!

Grandma:  Fifteen minutes is a long time to wait!

Me:  Well, we'll be there as fast as we can then!

So we arrive at Grandma and Grandpa's house to find that she has set a tablecloth and is using my mom's best china plates.  Real china.  She has also set out a spoon at each chair and chosen who will set where.

Riley very much wanted to help cut the cake.  And worked very hard to help Grandma get each piece on the plates and handed them out to everyone.  The first person she handed it out to was Julia and she was sweetly telling her all about it.  "Try it Julia.  I know you will like it.  It's my apple pie!"

It was quite delicious!!  Riley should be very proud!  As should Grandma - since it was her first apple pie too!


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